
The constitutional reform of 2010 together with the Kenya Vision 2030 plan for long-term development have transformed Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the country. As the population has grown, TVET has assumed a key role in achieving national and international socio-economic development goals. 

The functions of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Kenya are shared between the National and County Governments as contained in Schedule 4 of the Constitution of Kenya (2010). The functions of the National Government are: education policy, standards, curriculum, examinations, granting of university charters, universities, tertiary educational institutions, institutions of research, higher learning, primary schools, special education, secondary schools, special education institutions and promotion of sports and sports education. The functions of the County Government in relation to education are: pre-primary education, vocational training centres, home-craft centres, farmers’ training centres and childcare facilities.

The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Act No. 29 of 2013 provides for the establishment of technical and vocational education and training systems, governance, management of institutions, assessment, examination and certification.

TVET in Kenya is under the Ministry of Education, and its State Department for Vocational and Technical Training. The State Department has two directorates i.e. the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) and Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET). Within the State Department for Vocational and Technical Training, there are four State Corporations or Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGAs) that are established under the TVET Act, 2013 and Kenya National Qualifications Framework Act, 2014 to streamline different mandates in the sector. These institutions have distinct roles/functions and are operating interdependently forming the entire TVET system in Kenya. 


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 Image source: National TVET Standards – Kenya Report 2020 published by TVET Authority.