This Strategic Plan for the period 2018-2022 presents a renewed foundation for TVETA to carry out its mandate and functions to achieve a modern and labourmarket responsive TVET system for Kenya. TVETA was created by the TVETA Act, 2013 and started its operations in 2014. A draft strategic plan was developed at that time which has been guiding TVETA in its first years of operation as a state corporation. The first years have shown TVETA emberking on huge tasks while operating environment and TVET reforms. While the draft strategic plan (2014) had a more inward-looking approach, and focusing on getting TVETA’s operations started, the current strategic plan takes a more outward looking approach taking the entire TVET-system as a point of reference. Furthermore, national policies such as Vision 2030 and international policies (e.g. from EAC and AU) are guiding.