TVETA is a State Corporation established under the TVET Act, 2013, whose mandate is to regulate and coordinate the TVET sector in Kenya. TVETA’s mandate entails promulgation of policies, plans, programmes and guidelines for the effective implementation of the TVET Act, 2013; coordinate and monitor TVET system and skills development programmes; restructure the entire sector consisting of all institutions and programmes involved in the promotion and development of middle-level manpower; establish and administer a system of accreditation of both public and private institutions; determine and approve systematic procedures of accrediting trainers. This is aimed at increasing access, equity, quality and relevance of TVET in Kenya.
• Registration and licensing institutions and trainers
• Compliance and enforcement
• Standards development
• Outreach services including advocacy and TVET rebranding
• Strategy, research and policy planning
Utalii House 8th Floor, Utalii Street, P. O. Box 35625 – 00100, Nairobi