Over the last two years, the Government of Kenya has been implementing reforms aimed at promoting access and equity in education and training. One imperative of these reforms was the establishment of a complementary and flexible pathway by recognizing experiential learning. Learning happens throughout life, anytime, anywhere from cradle to grave (OECD 2007). This learning leads to acquisition of knowledge, skills and competencies that are not recognized and certified, hence disadvantaging the individuals. This RPL policy, therefore, aims at guiding the implementation of recognition of prior learning for improved employability, mobility, self-esteem and advanced learning. The policy aims at mitigating the challenges faced by disadvantaged individuals who possess competencies but lack certification thereby depriving them fair opportunities with those who have attained competencies through the formal education system. The development of this policy was a result of a broad consultation process among sector-wide stakeholders informed by the Constitution of Kenya 2010 that views lifelong learning as an important stimulus and enabler for the country’s socio-economic transformation agenda as stipulated in the national development blueprint, Kenya Vision 2030. It is also anchored on legal and policy frameworks as well as on the aspirations of the African Union Agenda 2063 and the United Nations Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development.